Saturday, January 19, 2008

choices, choices

Mine kept me up until 3 this morning. No, not a kid, a book. Yep, that's right, I read until 3am. It was lovely. I could hardly stand to put the book down even then but the thought of taking care of four children all day made me decide enough was enough.

Today, I'm paying for it.

Is it naptime yet?

p.s. I've heard that the act of eating an apple can be better at keeping you awake than caffeine. I'm not sure if I believe it. So far, I've had two apples today. I'm not sleeping yet, so maybe there is some truth to it. I still wish I were in bed.....


SarahRachel said...

Yeah, I stay up WAY too late, WAY too many nights. I whined about not getting any sleep when Jackson was a newborn, and now I'm the one keeping myself up! Good books get me every time. I sometimes HAVE to finish them even if it's in the wee morning hours.

Anna Marie said...

Yeah, I'm a sucker for good books, too. Obviously. :)